Thrive Academy Platinum

Platinum is like getting an MBA for Coaches and Holistic Practitioners (without the MBA price tag). It was designed to give you the confidence and skills to earn $10,000 (or more) each month.


Thrive Academy Platinum is for You if…

»  You have a bigger vision than working with clients 1-on-1 and trading time for dollars for the rest of your life

»  You want to take the ceiling off of your income by inspiring groups of people

»  You want to create a group program that gives your clients more value (in fewer hours) so you don’t burn out

»  You want to step more fully into your place as a transformational leader

Many Platinum Members have created a healthy 6-Figure income and some have gone on to make 7 Figures.

Thrive Academy Platinum includes our 4 Core Programs—Client Attraction Mastery, Get Leverage, Six-Figure Speaker, and Transformational Leadership Certification.


In Client Attraction Mastery You’ll Discover How to…

»  Get Your “Phone Ringing” with Your Ideal Clients

»  Convey Your Immense Value so Clients Pay You What You’re Worth

»  Dance With Concerns so One Out of Two “Nos” Becomes a “Yes!”

»  Prevent Costly Client Cancellations

»  Get Streams of Referrals Flowing to You

»  Master the Easiest and Most Effective Client Attraction Strategies

»  And so Much More!

In Get Leverage You’ll Discover How to…

»  Design, Fill and Deliver a High-End Group Program

»  Make More Money while Working Fewer Hours (and Helping More People)

»  Attract a Loyal Following of People Who are Eager to Work with You

»  Become a Sought Out Expert in Your Field (Even if You’re Just Starting Out)

»  Watch Money Roll In, Even When You’re Enjoying Time Off

»  Create JV Partners Who Send Hundreds, Even Thousands, of People to You

»  Write Hot Copy that Does the Selling for You

»  Create a Home Study Course that Gives You Credibility and Another Income Stream

»  And So Much More!

In Six-Figure Speaker You’ll Discover How to…

»  Easily Fill Your Schedule with High-Paying Clients through Speaking

»  Avoid Costly “Speaker Mistakes” that Make You Look Like an Amateur

»  Make Six Figures (even if You’re an Introvert, Terrified of Speaking to Groups, or Have No Idea What You Would Say Yet)

»  Create Unique Content that “Wows” Your Group and Inspires People to Take Action

»  Increase Your Power, Magnetism, and Self-Confidence

»  Make Thousands of Dollars Every Time You Speak

»  Get 2 (online or in-person) Speaking Gigs each Month (this can add $10,000/ month)

»  Benefit from the Six-Figure Speaker System that Has Made our Members Millions of Dollars

In the Transformational Leadership Certification Program, You’ll Discover How to…

»  Become the inspiring Transformational Leader you’ve known you could be

»  Lay the foundation for book deals, TV shows, and your own rock star status

»  Create a loyal following that invests at the highest level with you

»  Learn how to get the right support (at affordable rates) so you only do the work you love

»  Qualify to become a Certified Transformational Leader





"I'm able to fully support myself financially,...and I'm experiencing a more balanced and fulfilled life."

I was working a corporate job while trying to get my private practice off the ground. I was frustrated, struggling to make ends meet, and paying back enormous student loans.

I attended the Client Attraction Summit with an open mind. I'd never invested in business coaching before. I experienced a huge shift in my confidence, and had a new vision for my future.

I put all the Thrive templates and processes to work. Within a month, I made more than my corporate job, and within the next year, I paid myself triple my corporate salary. As a result of Thrive, I'm able to fully support myself financially, I'm seeing fewer clients, they’re getting better results, and I'm experiencing a more balanced and fulfilled life.

Dr. Jenny Mann  |  Naturopathic Doctor

"My income went from $1,000 to $15,000 a month and it’s still growing!"

My income went from $1,000 to $15,000 per month and my business has been continually growing for the past 4 years since I started working with Jesse and Sharla. I used to have a fear of making and having money, but now I can make money without feeling anxious or guilty.

From what I learned from Jesse and Sharla, over 60% of potential clients I talk with turn into high-end clients. Also my personal life has changed dramatically. Being Japanese has taught me so many things, like how we show up and speak up. In Japan there are so many people who have similar issues like me, and I have a passion to show them how we can be seen and heard and that we can be ourselves and happy. And as we do it, it contributes to the world.

Yoko Tajima  |  Image Consultant

"I went from earning $500 a month to $10,000 a month within nine months of attending Client Attraction Summit!"

Before attending the Client Attraction Summit, I was only making $500 a month in my practice. The first month after the Summit, I made $2,500 and then $8000 a month within eight months! At month nine, I hit my first of many $10,000+ months. Now I have a six-figure business. The biggest breakthrough for me was the support of the community and mastering HeartSelling from Client Attraction Mastery. All of this has allowed me the freedom to travel and even made my relationship better because Heart-selling isn’t just for attracting clients.

Joining Thrive was one of the best decisions of my life! The community, people, and the leaders are so amazing and so heartfelt. I am forever grateful.

Sarah Sada  |  Hypnotherapist

“I went from less than $500 a month to more than $10,000 a month!”

Before working with Jesse and Sharla, I was seeing a handful of clients, but not making a living and not seeing a way to bring in more clients or make more money. I was making less than $500 a month, it was stressful and disappointing.

I found the courage to charge more for my services, and switched up my niche. I now bring this confidence into my speaking engagements, and hosting big events of my own. I made my first $10K month, and now make 10 times my previous income.

I’m finally enjoying the benefits of the business I always wanted to create. I frequently have $2–3K days. All is going well and I have no doubt that there are more $10K+ months in my future—I have all the tools I need to make it happen. I am so utterly grateful to have found this community and these mentors in my life.


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Let’s Chat

If you’re considering signing up for Thrive Academy Platinum, schedule an “Attract Clients Now” Strategy Session with one of our friendly Thrive Coaches. We are here to serve you and your vision. You’ll get recommended next steps to grow your business, including Thrive Programs, if we believe this makes sense. And we teach Heartselling, so we promise it will be a good experience.