Meet Jesse and Sharla

We’re Jesse and Sharla


Jesse and Sharla are known as the “#1 Source for turning Coaches and Holistic Practitioners into 6-Figure Transformational Leaders.” They believe that when coaches and holistic practitioners work with more clients, the world becomes a better place.

People from all over the world have come to their events to learn the practical skills and templates to attract more clients and have their first $10,000-month, and what they find they love most are the deeply transformational experiences that help them create a thriving private practice or step into Transformational Leadership.

—and our clients have earned over $100 million collectively.

If you look at today’s transformational leaders, you’ll find that many of them had their first $10,000 month soon after attending the Client Attraction Summit.

Our Story

Sharla Jacobs


Anyone who has met Sharla and knows how much she loves to connect and talk with people is surprised to hear that she lived in almost silence for 3 months as a monk at an American Zen Monstery during her sabbatical from her Master’s program in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

She started dancing when she was 4 years old, went on to become Captain of her High School Dance Team and still busts out her moves during Thrive dance breaks.

She’s also a rockstar backwards Roller Skater.

As a not-so-mainstream kind of a gal, she could never have imagined becoming a “Soccer Mom,” but now that she has two boys who love soccer, she’s found this to be one of the things she enjoys most with her family.

Sharla Jacobs


Anyone who has met Sharla and knows how much she loves to connect and talk with people is surprised to hear that she lived in almost silence for 3 months as a monk at an American Zen Monstery during her sabbatical from her Master’s program in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

She started dancing when she was 4 years old, went on to become Captain of her High School Dance Team and still busts out her moves during Thrive dance breaks.

She’s also a rockstar backwards Roller Skater.

As a not-so-mainstream kind of a gal, she could never have imagined becoming a “Soccer Mom,” but now that she has two boys who love soccer, she’s found this to be one of the things she enjoys most with her family.

Our Family is Committed to Making the World a Better Place



Jesse Koren


Jesse started his entrepreneurial career at an early age, selling patches at his local flea market when he was still in preschool.

He went on to become a ranked tennis star, and at the age of 14, started teaching adults to play tennis for $8 per hour.

He still loves to play tennis, as well as soccer and basketball.

After graduating from Washington University in St. Louis, Jesse spent two years traveling across the US by Greyhound Bus to 11 very “unique” Intentional Communities, and another two years working at a Wilderness Therapy Camp with at-risk teens.

As a new “Homeschool Dad,” he’s discovered he’s got a knack for creating educational games for their boys, Jake and Zach.

Jesse Koren


Jesse started his entrepreneurial career at an early age, selling patches at his local flea market when he was still in preschool.

He went on to become a ranked tennis star, and at the age of 14, started teaching adults to play tennis for $8 per hour.

He still loves to play tennis, as well as soccer and basketball.

After graduating from Washington University in St. Louis, Jesse spent two years traveling across the US by Greyhound Bus to 11 very “unique” Intentional Communities, and another two years working at a Wilderness Therapy Camp with at-risk teens.

As a new “Homeschool Dad,” he’s discovered he’s got a knack for creating educational games for their boys, Jake and Zach.

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