The Thrive Experience

It’s Like Summer Camp with
Your Business Besties

Get Started Now

The Magic of Thrive

Heartfelt Community

Life-long Friends to Support Your Journey

Created with Love

We’re Changing the World Together

Unparalleled Results

Our Members Have Earned Over $100 Million Dollars Collectively

Heart-based Strategies

Get Loads of New Clients and Feel Good About the Process

Fun Team Challenges

Surprise Yourself with How Fast You Grow Your Business

Powerful Transformation

Increase Your Confidence, Attractiveness, Compassion, and Influence

Customize Your Path

Be Fully Supported by Your Mentors, Coaches and Community


Attract More High-Paying Clients!

Thrive will Get You There

If you aren’t attracting enough clients into your coaching or holistic practice, there is nothing wrong with you or your work. You weren’t born with the skills to build a Thriving Practice; this is something that must be learned.

When you’re missing any of the essential keys to Attract Clients without Struggle, it can feel like an uphill battle and destroy your confidence.

Thousands of Thrivers before you have used our proven templates to rock their business and create a Thriving Practice full of clients they love.




Become a Transformational Leader

Step into Your Destiny and Change the World

So you have a bigger vision and you want to make a big difference in this world? If you’re looking to impact hundreds or thousands through your writing, speaking and teaching, we can help.

Thrive Academy has been called the “#1 Source for Turning Coaches and Holistic Practitioners into 6-Figure Transformational Leaders.”

If you look at the Transformational Leaders of today, you’ll find that many of them made their first six figures within one year of joining Thrive Academy. In fact, many of our Thrive Academy graduates are making 6 Figures and 7 Figures each year.


Community that Loves and Celebrates You

Discover What’s Working NOW to Attract Clients from Home at the Client Attraction Summit!

Are you struggling to attract enough clients to make ends meet? Or have you hit a ceiling and you want to bust through it? Maybe you’re not charging enough because you don’t feel confident asking for money, but you’re not making the difference you had hoped to make.

Perhaps you’re even stressed out and frustrated, because you LOVE your work, but haven’t yet figured out how to get enough clients to truly thrive. And now that we’re dealing with these crazy uncertain times, whatever you were doing that worked in the past isn’t likely working as well.

But what if it doesn’t have to be that way?…

What if you could master the skills of attracting clients in a heartfelt, high integrity manner…and finally make REALLY great money as you change the lives of dozens, if not hundreds, if not thousands of people…

You’re Invited to the Premier 3-Day Event for Coaches and Holistic Practitioners

Are you struggling to attract enough clients to make ends meet? Or have you hit a ceiling and you want to bust through it? Maybe you’re not charging enough because you don’t feel confident asking for money, but you’re not making the difference you had hoped to make.

Perhaps you’re even stressed out and frustrated, because you LOVE your work, but haven’t yet figured out how to get enough clients to truly thrive. And now that we’re dealing with Sheltering-in-Place and Covid-19, whatever you were doing that worked in the past isn’t likely working as well.

But what if it doesn’t have to be that way?…

What if you could master the skills of attracting clients in a heartfelt, high integrity manner…and finally make REALLY great money as you change the lives of dozens, if not hundreds, if not thousands of people…

You Don’t Have to Figure This Out on Your Own

After building our own coaching and acupuncture practices many years ago, we’ve developed proven, heart-based strategies made specifically for coaches and holistic practitioners…

And our strategies work! Our clients have earned over $100 million collectively. And if you look at the Transformational Leaders of today, you’ll find that many of them had their first $10,000 month while working with us.

We want you to have access to our proven, heart-based strategies…

Where you get to be your unique self and take the shortcut to attracting tons of your ideal clients–without having to spend years trying to figure this out on your own.

And where you can start doing what is working NOW to attract clients from home. Because it’s likely we’ll be dealing with levels of sheltering-in-place for quite a long time.